Dental braces are the ideal solutions to straighten and align teeth regardless the patient’s age.
For everyone’s physical and mental comfort, the straightening and the right alignment of teeth worth the entire attention since baby teeth eruption.
For various reasons, it often happens for teeth to “straddle” wrongly, to be incorrectly aligned or to have an unaesthetic position. These types of problem are faster and easier to solve during childhood and adolescence, when the maxillary bones are still growing.
For the past few years more and more adults have decided to follow treatments for correcting teeth alignment being unsatisfied with the aspect of their teeth. The treatment last longer than for children and teenagers, but the results are extraordinary.
Orthodontics is the specialty of dentistry dealing with the correction of dento-maxillary anomalies. Children, teenagers and adults need orthodontic treatments when they have dental alveolar anomalies.
There are several types of fixed braces: with metal brackets, with ceramic brackets or with sapphire brackets. There are also the “invisible” braces (lingual INCOGNITO, STB, EURAPIX sau Clear Alignar, Invisalign), that are placed on the inside of the teeth so they are invisible from outside.
The fixed braces are classified as fixed and removable, depending on the patient’s need. At the Dental Progress Clinic modern methods in orthodontics are used in order to offer the following types of braces:
Fixed braces:
Metal braces – this is the most often encountered type of braces and the new technologies have made its wear to be more comfortable nowadays than in the past.
Ceramic braces – are more and more preferred because they are less visible than the metal braces. Like metal braces, the ceramic braces are comfortable and very efficient in teeth alignment. Ceramic brackets are made of a transparent material so its visibility on teeth is reduced.
Sapphire braces – they are transparent, strong, resistant and less noticeable than the ceramic braces.
Lingual braces – the lingual orthodontic treatments through Incognito technique regard any type of teeth alignment problems (crowding), occlusion (bite) or dental spaces (caused by teeth loss because of different reasons). The brackets are made of gold, personalized for each patient. The biggest advantage is the aesthetic one, being “invisible” – a crucial advantage for patients with an active social and professional life. This technique is also extremely useful for patients with deep cover bite or with cross bite.
Fixed brace is the most used orthodontic device because of the treatment’s high percentage of success, aligning teeth with a bigger precision than the removable brace. Usually a fixed brace is worn about a year and a half, but this is not a rule. Only the orthodontist can determine the necessary period to wear braces.
Removable braces:
They are braces made of plastic that stimulate the bone growth and generate spaces between crowded teeth.
What can be improved by wearing braces?
- misplaced midline – when the center of the front upper teeth does not match with the center of the lower front teeth
- cross bite – when the upper teeth do not match on the front with the lower teeth, for a normal bite
- crowded teeth – when there are too many teeth to fit on an arch
- overbite – when upper front teeth reach too far down over the lower front teeth
- gap teeth–interdental spaces or “edentulous breaches”, the result of teeth deficiency or because of the teeth that do not fill the entire arch
- open bite – the formation of a space between the occlusal surfaces of the front teeth and/or of the lateral teeth, when the patient bites on the lower teeth