Clinical case 4532
Complete restoration with fixed prosthesis on 8 dental implants support, external sinus lift, horizontal bone regeneration, bone condensing

The patient, who was 70 years old, came to the clinic because of both aesthetic and functional issues. The patient had an older fixed prosthesis that cave in along with some of the teeth that sustained it, the patient remaining with only 3 teeth on which we could not make another fixed prosthesis. Before the patient came to us, another dentist made her a removable denture with which she could not accostum so she preferred a complex restoration with the aid of a fixed prosthesis sustained by 8 dental implants. Considering that the bone losses were too major to be able to place the implants, it was required to perform external sinus lift, bone regeneration and bone condensing for the areas with very low bone density.
At the end the patient was very satisfied saying that she can eat and smile as she had her natural teeth.